The objectives of the Northeast Branch of the American Society for Microbiology are to promote and advance scientific knowledge and provide fellowship among those in the Northeast Section who are interested in the advancement of Microbiology and related disciplines, and to cooperate with the National Society and with other local branches in the furtherance of these objectives.
Four types of membership are available in the Northeast Branch and the Branch members may, or may not, be members of the National ASM; (a) Active Membership; any person interested in the advancement of the science of Microbiology is eligible for election to Active Membership; (b) Sustaining Membership: any person or organization interested in the advancement of the science of Microbiology is eligible for Sustaining Membership upon the recommendation of the Sustaining Membership Committee; (c) Student Membership; any student enrolled full-time in an accredited college or university is eligible for Student Membership at a reduced dues rate; and (d) Honorary Life Membership; distinguished microbiologists, upon nomination by the Council and election by the voting members of the Branch, may become Honorary Members of the NEB and are exempt from the payment of dues.
The officers of the Branch include the President, President-elect, Secretary and Treasurer, and a National Councilor, all of whom also must be members of the American Society for Microbiology. These and other positions are held by members who volunteer their time and work to further NEB objectives; members are elected or appointed to the offices. The Council is the governing body of the Northeast Branch, and is composed of the President, Immediate Past President, President-Elect, Secretary, Treasurer, the National Councilor, and four local councilors (who are elected by the membership and need not be members of the national society). The Council exercises general control over Branch affairs and determines policies, arranges meeting programs, administers finances, and decides the annual dues to be paid by members.
The NEB sponsors and/or co-sponsors local and regional meetings, symposia, round tables, workshops and other educational programs, an annual Student Research Colloquium and contributes toward programs such as the Massachusetts State and regional Science Fairs and Vermont State Fair. Students can find stimulus from eminent scientists, and can participate in activities by presenting their own research at local, inexpensive meetings in an informal, yet professional atmosphere. NEB often subsidizes the cost of rooms for students presenting papers. The latest microbiological products may also be exhibited at some meetings by various suppliers. One of the most rewarding experiences of NEB activities is to establish contact with fellow microbiologists from other institutions.
The Branch newsletter is circulated to the membership annually in the NEB Newsletter, which announces local and national meetings, elections, functions sponsored by other organizations, highlights of national ASM News, advertisements for courses, jobs, etc. The Secretary edits the Newsletter, although anyone is welcome to contribute information or articles. The NEB web site can be accessed through the membership section of the ASM home page!